Oilithir – Journal Entry 22

2E 580


War ravages Tamriel, the Aldmeri Dominion has sided with the Khajiits and Bosmer, Queen Ayrenn leads us.. But I am clueless as to where. Nothing is certain in this day and age, everyone seems out for blood; the only people I trust anymore are Meldor and Do'Zhar. Bosmer and Khajiit, kind of an odd bunch but we work, defending the Dominion as best we can. I don't know if they would agree with me but I don't truly think we can follow the standard protocol much longer. Things are taking to long to be decided with politics in the mix, if you ask me we need a separate group dedicated to the sole survival of the Dominion, something we can rally behind.



Olithir – Journal Entry 23

2E 580


My point has been proven, and I think the two are starting to agree with me now. Queen Ayrenn wants the bulk of her forces on the frontlines, but thats just not practical. We could be ambushed by the Covenant from the coasts and completely outnumbered. Me and Do'Zhar are going to scout the forest ahead for enemy patrols, Meldor is staying behind with the rest of the regiment. I just hope there aren't any patrols, that would mean they've gotten closer than anticipated, which is bad news for everyone.


Oilithir – Journal Entry 24

2E 580


The scouting mission was a success, if you call three dead soldiers a success... Me and Do'Zhar were just finishing the rounds when three foolhardy idiots came galloping by. They were picked off by Daedra in mere seconds, little did we know but to the southeast in Valenwood an Anchor had opened and was spewing these beasts all across the land. Do'Zhar and me barely managed to make it back to camp unseen, and when we arrived nothing was as we left it. Tents on fire, men on fire, the dead were to high to count and the Daedra were relentless in their slaughter. We found Meldor tending to the wounded alongside the edge of the forest, luckily for us it was hidden from view of the camp. We walked for miles and miles that evening until we came to a town, we told the people there that Daedra were just a few hours away. They scoffed at us. Meldor and Do'Zhar managed to get a barnhouse for the few of us that lived, I gathered the herbs and supplies we needed from the town.



Oilithir – Journal Entry 27

2E 580


We lost another one today.. The wounded just can't keep up, this entire area is in chaos. Every town and village is burned to ash and the inhabitants are dead or mising, the few times we've caught glimpses of the Daedric army they seem to vanish the next time we blink. Were all in pretty bad shape, Do'Zhar took an arrow to the shoulder, Meldor has a gash on his lower calf and I have a cut on my thigh. I don't know if we can make it back to the main force, or if there even is a main force left...



Oilithir – Journal Entry 28

2E 580


We made it... We got all the way to Skywatch with the few remaining members of our regiment. So few...... only sixteen of us remain out of the two hundred, so many friends lost. Now they see my point though, now they see that normal logistics in war never works. They understand the need to rally behind something greater than ourselves or our lands. This isn't a war about whos in control anymore, its a war of survival, if Molag Bal wins then we all lose. We have to stop fighting eachother and realize that there is a bigger threat!



Olithir – Journal Entry 41

2E 580


The guild has finally been established, the Trinity of Auri-El, Do'Zhar and Meldor were reluctant on the name at first, but I told them that Auri-El is in every races religion and would be more accepted. After hours of talk they finally agreed, and we have more volunteers than I had originally hoped for, my daughter included. Arquen, she was always a stubborn one. Then theres the other Khajiit, I can't remember his name, we put him in charge of the troops for now. Seems like he has a dark history, but I didn't ask, he volunteered willingly and we need all the help we can get. Me and Do'Zhar are going after a known Daedric outpost tomorrow. Leaving Meldor and Arquen in charge.



Olithir – Journal Entry 42

2E 580


Gah! I was so stupid! We didn't take enough time to scout the ruins, as soon as we got close we were ambushed. I managed to drag Do'Zhar away at his strong refusal. Khajiits and their honor I will never understand, we lost everyone else though. I don't think me and Do'Zhar will even make it through the night though, there are Daedra all over.



Olithir – Journal Entry 44

2E 580


That foolish cat.. Do'Zhar risked his life to go get herbs to help me. All they did was slow the inevitable, I will die, Do'Zhar knows this. I think he refuses to believe it though, alone out here with Daedra crawling all around us, he doesn't wanna be left by himself. Meldor and Arquen are indeed our only hope, if another party isn't sent out, I fear these next few days will be our last.



Meldor – Journal Entry 46

2E 580


Oilithir and Do'Zhar are dead. Arquen and I agreed to send the next group out after them if they didn't return in three days time. We sent them after two. When we got to the ruins the Daedra had mainly dispursed, only a few remained. We killed the foul creatures and began to look for Do'Zhar and Olithir but what we found was not pleasing... Oilithir and Do'Zhar were found in a grotto, dozens of Daedric corpses surrounded them, suprisingly Olithir was still alive when we found him. He asked me to write this last journal, he always had a thing for it, I never saw him without it. He wanted me to write this, to make sure that anyone that read it would know the history of our guild, the struggle to continue fighting, not just for the Dominion, but for all free people of Tamriel. This fight isn't some simple war of tactics and strategy, in Oilithir's own words. “Its a war of survival, and only the boldest shall win it.” I don't know what he truly meant by that, I was never one for words. Olithir wanted everyone that read this to know, that the Trinity of Auri-El will keep fighting, to the last man, if it means keeping Nirn free of Molag Bal. He doesn't want to be recoginized for fame or glory, he wants people to know that wars aren't won by alliances and factions, he wants people that read his journal. To know that wars are won by free people fighting for what is just, what is right. The Trinity of Auri-El will endure, as it always has... and as it always will.

Thanks @Panda244 for writing this for us! ^^